Mabon…an Autumn Festival

Merry Meet my friends…I hope that you are all well and happy!  I am VERY happy as my favorite time of year is here…Autumn!  You may be able to tell by my name that Autumn is my favorite time of year! 🙂  We have had a glimpse of the cooler weather here in Ohio…a few days in the low 70’s and very cool nights.  The windows are open, the critters have started gathering, the Starlings are flocking…the sun is setting earlier and rising later…ahhh…I just love it!  We have been very dry so the grass is pretty brown and the gardens need lots of water and it may affect the Fall color…leaves might not be their most brilliant this year.  I’m seeing pumpkins and mums at the garden centers and the stores are filled with colorful displays of Autumn  and All Hallow’s Eve decorations….it is magick in the making!

      Mabon is the Autumn Equinox and the 2nd of the Harvest festivals on the Wheel of the Year.  It divides the day and night equally.   The Druids call this celebration, Mea’n Fo’mhair, and honor the Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees.  Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs, and fertilizer are appropriate at this time.  Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.  At this time we celebrate with bonfires, feasts, harvesting the last of our gardens and herbs,  make and drink wine, make offerings to the God/Goddess and reflect on the coming dark period of the year.  It’s about rest, relaxation, and reflection.  This year, Mabon coincides  with the Harvest moon!  Spells and rituals for Mabon should be about balance, protection, prosperity, introspection and harmony.  These spells should have extra energy for you if performed on the Full Harvest Moon.  I love this Sabbat so much!!

My altar is decorated with a leaf patterned altar cloth, candles of Red, brown, green, rust.  Gaia and the Green Man grace my altar.  I have a vase of autumn flowers, wheat grass and cat tails from my own pond.  I have acorns, apples, small gourds, cluster of grapes, a glass of wine.  I have crystals of citrine, lapis, carnelian and amethyst.  I’m using  patchouli incense and have sage on my altar as well.  I will be doing a spell for Balance this Mabon with my sisters in spirit.  I’ll also smudge my house and I’m working on my “Autumn” cleaning..preparing the house for being closed up for the Winter.  I will make an offering to Mother Earth as always.  If you haven’t already worked on your altar, this may give you some ideas! 🙂  I also make a Mabon Oil blend and anoint my altar and myself with it…I’ll share the recipe with you!

Mabon Oil…….    4 drops Rosemary

                                4 drops Frankincense

                                2 drops Apple

                                1 drop Chamomile

                                1/8 cup  Almond Oil for Base

Blend in a small capped bottle or spray bottle.  Can of course double the smells great!

For dinner we’ll be having roast with potatoes, carrots and squash.  Homemade bread and apple crisp.  A glass of wine or two of course..I will be spending time with the Goddess, enjoying her in Her Full glorious Moon by a fire with my loved ones.  If you don’t do anything else, do this.  The energy you get from just sitting under the Full Moon, relaxing, listening to what She may have to tell you….the feeling is awe inspiring and amazing.  I’m am constantly amazed when I draw Her down. 


Had to post this picture  ..I just loved it!

I hope that each of you have a very Blessed Mabon.  May these days of crisp air, colorful crunching leaves, blue skies, blustery winds and need- a- sweater weather…bring you joy and Blessings.  Reflect on all that is good in your life, and also what you can do to be happier, to be more loving, to make a difference in the world and to be the best witch you can be!  LOL..even if you’re not a witch, you can do these things….:) 

Blessed Be, Autumn


Filed under Mabon, Oil Blend Recipe

4 responses to “Mabon…an Autumn Festival

  1. Starfire

    Thank you for sharing this. It was nice to wake this morning and find this post.
    I am planning a quite dinner for me and my family. And this weekend we are going for a nature walk to see the many changes that are going on around us, collecting Items for our altar. The candle cauldron is bubbling and we are making our own candles. Looking forward to a prosperous season with the candles as this is what we do make candles..we will be sharing with friends healing energy by a wood stove fire meditation, reflection, transformation, and much more for the months to come.
    May everyone have a blessed season

  2. Thank you so much Starfire…Your Mabon celebration sounds wonderful as well…What a lovely sabbat it is…I love the picture you have painted of your bubbling cauldron full of candle wax…just lovely!!
    Blessed Mabon

  3. Always love to visit your blog, Autumn. It’s always like sitting and visiting with a really good friend. Blessings to you lovely lady.

  4. Lisa..I feel the same about your blog! How wonderful it would be for us to sit and chat a spell…Blessings and love to you my friend!

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